Just a quick plug for this super energizer to get your year off to a great start and integrate tech into your curriculumseamlessly!
A message to all members of Projects By Jen
Hello Friends --
Well, looks like summer is over and time to start registering for some projects!! :)
A Room with a View will open today and you can register at http://aroomwithaview.pbwiki.com/REGISTRATION
Please make sure you have read all instructions - this is a SCHOOL YEAR PROJECT!!
Also O.R.E.O. will start registration in about 2 weeks. Next weekend will be devoted to building the site and getting things uploaded. The project will have 2 parts -- and you can choose which to participate in. We will do "That's the Way the Cookie Tumbles" and we will also be having the "O.R.E.O. STUF Fashion Show!" This will be our 10th year of this project -- I hope you will join in the fun and invite other classrooms at your school to as well. Let's end this project with a BANG (hmmm, perhaps a bite??) - grins!
Finally, as you know, the Jenuinetech projects will always be brought to you free of charge -- but there are some operating costs. So -- if you would like to help offset some of the costs....I have a way that you can help, and get something in return as well.
The Jenuinetech Newsletter is usually $12 a year....but right now, I am offering a special of ALL the newsletters from November 1, 2001 (on a CD) plus one year's subscription for $25. That is over 75 months of links, teacher tips, classroom ideas, and more!!
You can find out more by following this link:
Oh, and one more thing. I recently found out that February is the 200th Birthday of Abraham Lincoln.....so I am going to put the Iditarod on hold and host the project "HATS OFF TO LINCOLN" -- more on this soon!!
Thanks for being a part of my projects!
I wish you a wonderful new school year!!
Jennifer Wagner
Encouraging Teachers To Use Technology Tools
35 Tech Tips For Teachers
Technospud Newsletter
Visit Projects By Jen at: http://projectsbyjen.ning.com