A new way to explorethe news! It should catch students attention! Have students investigate one new newsy item per day or per week! It was recently featured on Free Technology for Teachers Read about the latest doodlebuzz developments at their blog, Doodlebuzz Blog
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008

embedit.in via kwout
It's been relativley easy to share a file with someone, but what if you want to embedit(.)in your homepage? Try out: http://embedit.in
So go ahead and embed your documents & images easily...Select files/pics from your computer you want to embed, it will give you the embed code which you can then place on any web page or blog you want. You can also input URL to embed. You need to login to get the embed code, there is no registration process, select Google, Yahoo, AOL or OpenId login to get the embed code.
A series worth reading and contributing to! 1 Thing Teachers Should Know about Teaching with Technology
Wild Earth TV is a LIVE 24 hour per day TV channel that gives you a unique window into the African bush. WildEarth expert rangers lead LIVE safaris. Add this site to your Earth & Environment Classroom Resources!! LIVE wildlife 24/7 from Djuma in South Africa. LIVE safari.
Stay tuned and up to date for exciting happenings thro' Twitter at twitter.com/WildEarth
Sunday, December 21, 2008

When YouTube is blocked (eight ways around) - NeverEndingSearch - Blog on School Library Journal via kwout
Thank you Joyce. Work arounds for youtube videos and access for students.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Nice worksheet creator with lots of options to tailor to a specific skill. Use the search feature. I just created a calendar sheet as a warmup for students in January.
I like to use this monthly quiz at the beginning of each month.
This worksheet presents a single calendar and asks the student questions about it that require both knowledge of how the calendar works and simple relative math (addition and subtraction).
The worksheets can be saved in PDF format with an answer key.
How to use: Let your students create worksheets for each other on a designated topic.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
With the purchase of THE FLIP CAMERA many schools are beginning to use video in the classroom on a more regular basis.
Here are some ideas I gathered from my PLN
* Kindergarten taped the Thanksgiving play for parents who could not attend.
* Students pretending to be characters in a book and taping an interview.
* Sixth grade has taped science experiments to post to the class website.
* Ask students to summarize a topic via video using your Flip camera.
* A character interview
* Tell stories
* Classroom News
How have you or someone you know used it in your school/classroom? Share. We're all looking for new ideas!

Bembo's Zoo via kwout
The Web offers kids, parents, and teachers resources from A to Z. Included: Thirty alphabet sites for teachers and students. This is just one. I like to make the connection to picture books. Contact your local library for Bembo's Zoo: An Animal ABC Book (Hardcover) by Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A link to tappedin..stumbled upon by using google and discovering who is linked to this site
Schiller International School - Naples 2
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
... an educational, kid freindly entertaining podcast for young listeners from the American Chemical Society. Bytesize Science is an educational, entertaining podcast for young listeners. Use it as a warmup before you begin your science classes.
Retrieved from eSchool News, Wed, Jan 30, 2008
New podcasts aim to make science more accessible - and enjoyable
Seeking to make science more fun and easily accessible for today’s students, the American Chemical Society (ACS) has launched Bytesize Science, an educational, entertaining new podcast for young listeners. Bytesize Science translates cutting-edge scientific discoveries from ACS’s 36 peer-reviewed journals into stories for young listeners about science, health, medicine,energy, food, and other topics. New installments are posted every Monday and are available free of charge. The program’s archive includes items on environmental threats to killer whales, a scientific explanation for why some people love chocolate, and some unlikely new uses for compact discs. The podcaster for Bytesize Science is Adam Dylewski, an ACS science writer and recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in genetics and science communication. Dylewski spent his college career immersed in science and journalism, writing down-to-earth explanations of important discoveries as a weekly science columnist for The Daily Cardinal, UW-Madison’s student newspaper. Later, he continued to translate science news as a reporter for UW-Madison’s communications office and for The Why Files, an award-winning science news site with a witty, fun edge.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008

A great time was had by all during the week of Nov. 30 to Dec 5th. Thanks for your participation and sharing throughout the week. It was dynamic!!
Done with: The Newspaper Clipping Generator

Activity Search via kwout
Houghton Mifflin’s “Activity Search” offers a variety of classroom resources. Find what you need by using the search box or by browsing through categories such as “Creative Writing,” “Poetry,” “Persuasive Writing,” “Alphabet,” and “Journalism.” Activity ideas are marked with subject area and appropriate grade level, and each includes necessary materials and teacher support.
Friday, December 05, 2008

School Library Learning 2.0: The 23 Things: represents 23 Things for you to do to enhance your understanding of web 2.0 tools. Each Thing will show you one more web tool. There are many places for you to explore and experiment with. The idea is that we all commit 15 minutes a day or about an hour (or two -- because you'll get hooked!) a week to learning and practicing with these new tools.
I am so excited about this project! I think this will be incredible fun. I am persuading you to take part. So I'm tagging along too!. Looking forward to review and learning more!
To facilitate self directed learning be sure to read Ten Tips About 23 Things
“Twenty-three things” was a catchphrase I attached to my soapy-born concept for the Learning 2.0 program, and it was “23 Things” that stuck as the online tutorial for exploring Web-based tools was adopted by libraries around the globe. In Minnesota, they launched “23 Things on a Stick.”
Vermont Libraries has listed the tools and activities for the 23 modules
Make A Flake
Make A Flake lets kids cut out flakes without the actual mess.
Set this one up as a centre in your classroom as a winter theme. Or use it as a warmup when students enter the lab.
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Mr. Picassohead via kwout
... free, quick, fun tool to use when exploring Picasso in the classroom. Get creative and compose your own Picasso- inspired portrait, There's only one way to export your work, and that's by e-mail. It's saved in a gallery along with other people's Mr. Picasso masterpieces.
Mr. Picasso Head