Family Literacy Day- for the last 30 min of the day all students read in the hallway and some families joined us. I stumbled upon this while checking my twitter network (techang) . What a wonderful idea!!! Thank you!!
Enjoy winter across the curriculum and relieve the winter doldrums. Prepare your students for the upcoming winter olympics in Vancouver. Harness the excitement.
Here's how it works… Four classes will be selected to participate in the project, along with the fourth graders from Wheeler Elementary School in Plainville, CT. A schedule will be developed and posted for each participating teacher. The lead fourth grade classes from Plainville will write three paragraphs in the Wiki to begin the story, one paragraph per fourth grade classroom. Students will create a picture (computer generated, or digital image of hand drawn picture) to illustrate their paragraphs. One picture per paragraph will be chosen for inclusion in the Wiki, and uploaded. The next class will have two weeks to post one more paragraph and a picture. This will continue until all classes have added their paragraph and picture.
Teach Preschool is another great website I stumbled upon recently.