Sunday, February 28, 2010 ....great for image screen capture and image annotation; stay tuned for more features ..drum machine; add some loops and pattern sequencer; can play along with; includes a metronone; also a beats for minute tool; downloadable and can run independently; ..charting of scores; plays for you; use multiple instruments ..upcoming ed conference
and looking forward to the NCTIES in Second Life .. Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education is a conference that takes place inside the virtual world of Second

Sites Gleaned from edtechtalk Feb 28th ... _-_this_co.php ..students without borders ..links to sites that help kids across borders; social action in he classroom; kids giving to other kids in other countries ..similar to hyperstudio and hypercard and free; web based and interactive

Word It Out is another word cloud site that is very easy to use. While I do prefer the aesthetics of Wordle (the words are vertical and horizontal). However, I am going to put Wordle, Wordsift , Word it out and Word Mosaic to the test and try to briefly compare them I am enthused about their potential for a variety of learning activities for most subject areas and grade levels.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Notable Links of the Day
App Shopper for iphone/ipod users
The Teacher's Pet Project

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I plan to introduce this word of the Day site in my next assignment. That word will be used throughout the day. The little ones enjoy using BIG words. What a thrill when they come home and use that WORD at the dinner table.

Here is how you can use VocabAhead in the classroom.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Statistics Canada’s Census at School fits the Data Management and Probability strand of Mathematics and is in Ontario curriculum and Math texts for grades 6-8.

Census at School:
 is an on-line survey to be completed by each student in your class
 creates a class data set that you can use for data management activities
 provides data that students analyse using OpenOffice Calc, Excel, TinkerPlots
or by hand

It helps you cover the curriculum:
 Graphing (Bar or Circle graphs, Scatter plots)
 Computer graphing and spreadsheets (Excel, OpenOffice Calc, TinkerPlots)
 Percentages, Ratios
 Mean, Median and Mode
 Comparing data and exploring hypotheses

To get started:
Go to to find information on registering, taking measurements, the survey questions and learning activities.

Featured activities include: You are the Researcher and Canada Recycles! Do you?

MATHEMATICS Grades 4 - 8

Get your students investigating with real data using

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Most search engines search billions of Web sites and return tens of millions of results; some are from reliable Web sites, some are not. SweetSearch searches only 35,000 Web sites that have been evaluated and approved by a staff of Internet research experts at Dulcinea Media, and its librarian and teacher consultants. SweetSearch allows students to choose the most relevant result from a list of credible results, without the distraction of unreliable sites.

I wonderful how many of us use these six words!

Looking for an online project to carry you through the year! Consider ThinkQuest!
Thinkquest is an online platfrom that enables teachers to intergrate projects into the classroom that helps students develop 21st century skills. This site is composed of four primary parts, ThinkQuest Projects, ThinkQuest Competition, Thinkquest Library, and ThinkQuest Professional Development, and is funded by Oracle. Projects features allows a teacher and students to create a website for a given topic and post it at ThinkQuest for other students and educators to view. Competions allows for these projects to be placed in a contest to see which one is the best. Winners recieve prizes and are also denoted in the library as contest winners.
Note: Access in creating projects and entering competetions are restricted until a teacher has sucessfully registered with this site. The Library is open to anyone so use it as freely as one wants to do so. Student teachers are forbidden to register so keep be aware of this if it applies to you.

Some sample Thinkquests and more info;jsessionid=4A8E9A5E3933873C34BA125529259970

integrates science with math. Use this site to search for easy physics experiments for home, school and science fair projects.

If you like this site do check out
Science for Kids
Kids Online Resources
The Science Spot Kid Zone

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Learning for the Gold
"The 2010 Winter Olympics is drawing record viewership - certainly your students are watching. Tap into their excitement and interest in the games with this collection of lessons and resources that teach science, history, geography, economics and writing through sports and the Olympics."

Go for the Gold

"Create your own activity sheets for the classroom, based on your specifications. Want a pyramid with a pentagonal base that's three inches tall? BAM - make one in an instant! You can also make pattern blocks, number lines & grids, graph paper and more! Design exactly what you need and download the image as a PDF and print. Or export a JPEG to use in other applications (Word, PhotoShop, etc.). Be careful -- it's highly addictive (and very helpful)!"

A Very Cool Applet

Visit the New-and-Improved ReadWriteThink
"This is one site you can't do without for the best reading language arts resources. Standards-based lessons, interactive tools, classroom printouts, calendar activities and new parent and afterschool resources plus a new professional development section are all at your fingertips. Visit the new site today!"

The Revised THINK REEAD WRITE site

"- and obviously came straight from the heart and soul of someone who worked a day job and built his dream after hours. This is our take of what he had to say."

Friday, February 19, 2010

A handy reference for a Tech Integration Matrix

Simple and ready to use tech integration ideas!

A complete resource from the READ WRITE THINK site!

Pass a virtual torch around the classroom in honor of Olympics. Students can research events.

Additional sites

Choose your lesson plans!!
Olympic Bulletin Board Ideas compiled
Olympic Gold Medalists
Olympic Awareness

“Children use the iPod to read out loud and play it back, helping their fluency. Music is integrated into the classroom as a powerful motivation for reading. In our efforts to integrate 21st century technology, iPods are a wonderful tool being used to improve literacy in first grade.”

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bring back penmanship and formal writing and printing lessons please.

Indeed it's Twitter for teachers to use in the classroom. “Twiducate is a free social networking resource for schools, principals and teachers. Check out the Youtube Video

Thanks to an Michelle from Bayview School for collating these sites....

With many of you now using interactive white or SMART Boards, I thought I would help out and share my resources of sites that I have compiled over the past couple of years. You probably already have the standard ones but here are others that may help you to not the re-invent the wheel.....hope this helps :)

All over the world

Canadian Only sites

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Notable blogs of the week!
Georgetown Elementary
What's the Scoop?
Mrs. H's Blog

Never underestimate the power of creating books with children. As a classroom teacher in the primary grades my students loved creating their own books..whether it was poetry collections etc... or one sentence stories with illustrations
Story Structure

Friday, February 12, 2010

Reflections of a male kindergarten teacher.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I came across this site from my colleagues at TappedIN There are some great suggestions for K to 3+ activities for english and language learners. Many of Nik's suggested ideas can be adapted for the K to 3+ student.

More info can be found at English Power There is an invaluable blogroll of esl blogs to follow.

Monday, February 08, 2010