"I have participated in many professional discussions on Twitter. Our division has placed heavy enphasis on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in the last 5+ years. Twitter has offered me a living, breathing, ever-changing PLC (or PLNetwork). I have participated in #edchat, during which 500+ teachers tackle a different question facing global education each week. I have participated in #elemchat, a chat focused on issues facing elementary teachers specifically. I have participated in #ellchat, a chat focused on students and families whose first language is not English. I have participated in #ntchat, a chat that brings together experienced teachers with new teachers to share advice and answer questions. Often, we are not sure which participants are which since we all seem to learn! I have participated in #ptchat, a chat that brings together parents and teachers to share the different view points on different topics in hopes that we can help each other. I have participated in #ecosys, which is mainly USA teachers who are working for change in public education, but I learn a lot about the teaching situations of my colleagues outside of my little Regina world. I have participated in the #blacked chat, which focuses on issues facing minority students. I have participated in the #bookaday challenge, where we shared thought and reviews of books we are reading."