Sunday, August 08, 2010

Writing Exemplars

"I put together the following materials so that we can reference them when we work together and thought perhaps you might find them useful as well."

Other great sites with practical and what appears teacher tested ideas of integration from

"I have participated in many professional discussions on Twitter. Our division has placed heavy enphasis on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in the last 5+ years. Twitter has offered me a living, breathing, ever-changing PLC (or PLNetwork). I have participated in #edchat, during which 500+ teachers tackle a different question facing global education each week. I have participated in #elemchat, a chat focused on issues facing elementary teachers specifically. I have participated in #ellchat, a chat focused on students and families whose first language is not English. I have participated in #ntchat, a chat that brings together experienced teachers with new teachers to share advice and answer questions. Often, we are not sure which participants are which since we all seem to learn! I have participated in #ptchat, a chat that brings together parents and teachers to share the different view points on different topics in hopes that we can help each other. I have participated in #ecosys, which is mainly USA teachers who are working for change in public education, but I learn a lot about the teaching situations of my colleagues outside of my little Regina world. I have participated in the #blacked chat, which focuses on issues facing minority students. I have participated in the #bookaday challenge, where we shared thought and reviews of books we are reading."

Thank you! Great literacy graphic organizers for your use and modification! A wonderful resource for sharing and planning.

Smartboard resources under subject headings!

"The MyKidsTurn shows are all created by parents and educators. They're about the things we can do with our kids -- games, exercises, strategies, and fun activities that will help them understand concepts and ideas that are going to be important for them in school."

Friday, August 06, 2010

Wolfram for Educators

Also search Goofram and compare google and wolfram results at the same time

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Back to School ideas!
Great Poster Idea!
Back to School Read Alouds