Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This web post has some outstanding ideas on how one might use a Flip Camera in class.

Monday, September 27, 2010

On Mondays,Pete Mckay of the theteacherlist feature one area of interest on the 2Learn.ca website. There are a lot of resources available at no cost - so many that I thought it might be useful to feature one area each Monday. This week - our resources for grades 1 and 2 - which we call Ready2Learn. There are over 300 resources prescreened and aligned to curriculum in this section. And of those, almost half are suitable for use with your interactive whiteboard.
You can also follow Pete Mckay's teacherlist on Twitter

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sites worth mentioning

Education Nation

Suggested lessons for early childhood, elementary, secondary, and undergraduate classes. Incredible Art Department was created by Ken Rohrer in 1994 for his Indiana elementary students. The site has expanded to include resources such as art school directories, job banks, art news, supplies and lesson plans (with rubrics) for elementary through college age students. Also covers cartooning and global art resources. Content is current, interesting and plentiful despite of the ads that litter the site.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is precious! A donkey is curious about the book a monkey is reading, and wonders why it does not text, tweet, scroll, or blog, and why monkey enjoys the book so much! T’S A BOOK promotes print in the digital age. This stunning picture book has something to say to readers of all levels and ages.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I plan to use this clip in my next TappedIn presentation stressing the importance of using technology in the classroom.

Fall Across the Curriculum

This site has really gotten a lot of attention in the last week. We first found it at 2Learn and then it was sent to me for The Teacher List by friends down the road (thanks, Steve!) and from as far away as Nicol, who resides in South Africa. This is an extensive and ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World. You'll need some time to browse through this one.

From Peter MacKay of .theteacherlist.ca

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Replace Mad Minute with Arcademic Skill Builders.

Also see An Arcademic SkillBuilder Intro

They are excited to show you their latest game, its a 12-player game - with ponies

See Division derby

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Students develop scripts, perform, and use their voices to depict characters from texts, giving them the opportunity to develop fluency and further enhance their skills. Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays for the Classroom - 12:12am
Once you start Reader's Theater in your classroom you and your students will be loving it!!! "Reader's Theater proved to be almost a magic solution for LA.

Mathwire September Update

 The featured topic for September is Active Participation.  The article contains suggestions for teaching place value to students, extending the customary tasks to help students develop and strengthen number sense through hands-on activities. 
Check out the September Issue 
Mathwire also houses the Math Template Library, a collection of math templates in PDF format which teachers may download to use in their classrooms.  The templates are designed to be inserted in sheet protectors which allow students to use dry erase markers and erasers on these reusable resources.
Check out the Mathwire Math Template Library to download templates.
This is the last e-mail subscription notice that will be sent from Mathwire.  Many districts have strict spam filters that prevent subscribers from receiving these monthly subscription updates. The Mathwire Blog  was created to fill this void.  The blog will spotlight new activities and resources added to Mathwire.  It will also highlight other activities on the site that new subscribers might have missed, including suggestions for extending the activities and for differentiating the activities to meet the needs of varied learners in a classroom.
Be sure to check out the ]Mathwire Blog and bookmark the site to check back often or sign on as a Follower to receive updates on your blog browser.  Again, there will no longer be an e-mail option for receiving updates from
Archives on the blog allow users to catch up on past postings, so subscribers may easily stay current.  A search feature also provides a vehicle for searching specific topics to aid in locating new activities for a specific topic.  All articl
The blog also allows users to add comments at the end of each post.  This is a great way for the Mathwire community to share ideas on implementing the activities across the grades or adapting an activity to meet the special needs of learners.  We encourage you to use this feature as your idea or suggestion may help another teacher develop understanding in his/her students.
We thank you for your continued support of Mathwire, and we hope that you will enjoy the new Mathwire Blog.
Good luck with the new school year:)
Terry Kawas, Math Consultant
e-mail: [ mailto:tkawas@mathwire.com ]tkawas@mathwire.com

Monday, September 06, 2010

Word walls and math walls suggestions and ideas!

Other back to school sites that caught my eye:~
How To Signal For Your Students’ Attention
Learning to Blog Using Paper

Sunday, September 05, 2010

This ambitious site has been created by Alicia Woods

"This professional development series introduces teachers in grades 5-8 to techniques to help students improve their reading skills. The series supports "reading across the curriculum" and provides staff development and classroom strategies in reading for the four major content fields - math, science, social studies, and language arts. While each strategy is demonstrated in one content area, each can be used in any content at virtually any grade level."

Lesson Plans (in pdf format)

Check out the Mathwire Mathematical Games Resources to add to your classroom math game collection or to add to your math center for independent play. Math Wire is an online resource that can be used in the K to 3+ classroom as enhancement and extension to the standards based curriculum.

Related sites:~
Khan Academyis a not-for-profit educational organization created and sustained by Salman Khan. With the stated mission "of providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere", the Academy supplies a free online collection of more than 1,600 videos[1] on mathematics, science, history, and economics

Also peruse Education World Back to School Ice Breakers and Resources

Worksheet Works

Postcard Creator

"So I was thrilled when my Kindergarten teachers took the time to share some lesson/project ideas they found in our Language Arts series. They provided me a photocopied list of monthly “CULMINATING PERFORMANCE TASKS” (CPTs) with timing suggestions (“sometime in December,” etc.) and I was set!"

Friday, September 03, 2010


A great read aloud for the first days of school.

Also note Other Great Read Alouds

Notable blog of the day!!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

...a great tool for creating engaging presentations; takes a bit to learn how to use it, but there are easy-to-follow instructions available ...
10 Interesting Ways to Use Prezi in theClassroom

Teachers who use Prezi in education in their classes, should connect with each other to share ideas and see how others are using the tool.
More Prezi Integration Ideas
Prezi in the Classroom..How do you use it?