our Livebinder for today's show is here (along with the tabs for links for all of February: http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=59592
web conferencing livebinder http://livebinders.com/play/play/36761
our Livebinder for today's show is here (along with the tabs for links for all of February: http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=59592
I love this example of how you can create a template on a livebinder for others to use: http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=45505 (Coaching Binder Template by RindaMC)
This is probably one of the most fascinating webinar I have ever attended!! Thank you soooo much!!
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=31030 (Ms. Medina’s Class Binder-Science Handouts)
marionjacob: Thanks! This was awesome!
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=16597 (Class Project: Book A Trip Reading Passport by MrsB)
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=16597 (Class Project: Book A Trip Reading Passport by MrsB)
Karen shares her many binders ..Karen Bolotin @kbkonnected
I've noticed a few schools are using Evernote with students. Wondering how this compares to Livebinders.
http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=66972 (Amazing Animal Webcams by KB...Connected)
You can also check out my blog http://web20classroom.blogspot.com
I also love the fact that you can add collaborators to livebinders, so several people can add to one Live Binder.
I am going to have so much fun this summer creating livebinders for different lessons. So much easier and better than having individual links on a flashdrive
Jerry Blumengarten @cybraryman1: My LiveBinders page: http://cybraryman.com/livebinders.html
Moderator (Kim Caise): http://livebinders.com/play/present?id=66972ge
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=43387 (LiveBinder: Classroom Printables-Free by KB...Connected)
McTeach (Karen): We're just starting a unit on Africa...this is going to be awesome!
Moderator (Kim Caise): http://livebinders.com/play/present?id=66972ge
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=43387 (LiveBinder: Classroom Printables-Free by KB...Connected)
McTeach (Karen): We're just starting a unit on Africa...this is going to be awesome!
Web cams to see live animals--my mind is just spinning
What's great about this is the home/School connection. Kids go home to continue learning at home
classroom printables livebinders ..do a search on google KBCONNECT
This is the link to my entire LiveBinder shelf http://www.livebinders.com/shelf/search_display_author?terms=KB...Konnected
Book Report
Social Justice Live! Livebinder: http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit/65660
blairteach: If you like WallWisher, you might also want to check out http://edistorm.com/
another wallwisher alternative is stixy
Here's link for Diana Laufenberg's Ted Talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/diana_laufenberg_3_ways_to_teach.html
Mike Fisher ..click on his name to see all his livebinders @fisher1000 on twitter
Information Surplus ..
http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=68027 (LiveBinder of LiveBinder Examples)
This is probably one of the most fascinating webinar I have ever attended!! Thank you soooo much!!
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=31030 (Ms. Medina’s Class Binder-Science Handouts)
marionjacob: Thanks! This was awesome!
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=16597 (Class Project: Book A Trip Reading Passport by MrsB)
M http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=66128 (Student Projects: Recipes-Molten Lava Cake by LiveBinders
http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=68027 (LiveBinder of LiveBinder Examples)
Paula Naugle (@plnaugle): I agree @Len. Too much info. Lots to learn and review this weekend.
Moderator (Mike Fisher @fisher1000): I screencasted a video showing how the collaboration feature works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Lpx4T-aa4
Different ways to embed binders are in this binder: http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=3342
I'd be happy yo hear someone at my http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/halima
gaggle.net also has free student email accounts and "gaggle docs" with other features. Everything is filtered and "kid friendly"!
Moderator (Karen Bolotin @kbkonnected): I'm learning a lot today too! Thinking of more ways to use LiveBinders
Moderator (Peggy George): http://livebinders.com/play/play?id=33365 (Collaboration and Group Sharing-ESSDACK TIG by dmantz7)
Moderator (Mike Fisher @fisher1000): @Len If you are having trouble, give me your email address and I'll invite you specifically to the document.
LucianDuma ro @web20education: I start to curate in a single place the best #edtools in xxI Century Education and you are welcome to join and collaborate in #edtech20 and #edtools topic http://www.scoop.it/t/web20andsocialmediaesafetyinxxicenturyeducation