Friday, August 19, 2011

To sumarize this resource is a gym dedicated to the wellness of the mind. The publisher recommends at least one puzzle a day to rev up the brain cells. I believe the title says it all . This site provides some quite challenging brain games for kids .

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Learning Role Cards can be downloaded and modified in Microsoft word!

For successful small group work:

organise students into groups of four to ensure participation
deal out Role Cards for effective role demarcation through assigned roles
each student is dealt a Functional Role card and a Learning Role card
the Learning Role cards are used to scaffold the discussion
note that every group member must take on the role of Encourager
explicit teaching and modelling of roles are important
These role cards are also available in printable Microsoft Word fomat.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Virtual manipulatives were a must in my math classroom. Here is why!! Courtesy mathchat

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

My goal for this Back to School posting is to create a resource that is helpful to new and veteran teachers alike.
Back to School Lesson Plans
Back to School with Mathwire
Projects by Jen
10 Fav Top 10 Resources for Integration of Tech into the Curriculum